Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Matrix

Today I was reminiscing about the first Matrix movie. When I first watched it, it was mind altering, that we could be living in an artificial world, made to keep us from knowing the truth. Two of my favourite quotes from this movie are from Morpheus. The first being “What is real, how do you define real? The second being I can only show you the door, you’re the one who has to walk through it. The second is probably the quote that has most relevance to our lives today. Everyday we are faced with opportunities (doorways if you may) and we choose to ignore them. But what if we took the initiative and walked through these doors as Morpheus suggests, won’t we then become better individuals driven by what awaits us on the other side?

Friday, April 25, 2008

Technology dependence

We live in a world were technology is pervasive, but are we relying on this activity too much? Are we addicted or does our thirst for knowledge justify the heavy and prolonged usage of the wonderful world of technology?

Ok, enough of the rhetorical questions.

We have had people in society who have died from overuse of the computer. There was a Chinese man in beijing you died after playing a video game for 3 days straight; this is certainly an indication that we need to regularly review our time spent with technology or face the disastrous consequences.

I know this is only one example of the consequences on relying on technology too much but I sign off with this statement:

It is naïve to think there is a way to escape the alluring nature of technology, however; if we maintain our vigilance we can prevent our generations metamorphosing into a computer dependent socio-economic group. Letting our guard down, even for a second can spell disaster and the repercussions for such ignorance can be catastrophic, as our young generation continues to be readily absorbed into this unhealthy past time.