Saturday, May 17, 2008

Artificial Intelligence

Perhaps a little out of context, but an interesting read nonetheless.

Opportunists believe the mindset that was established over 50 years ago. Hollywood made movies showing the destruction of the human race from self conscious robots. This mindset was under the belief that making a smart intelligent robot would be easy. Predictions were made that talking to robots would be just around the corner. Herbert Simon an American political scientist said in 1956, “Machines will be capable, within twenty years, of doing any work that a man can do.” It still hasn’t occurred. Igor Aleksander who is the head of intelligence and interactive systems says that “Even if the artificial system could be said to conscious. It will be conscious of being a machine with a defined purpose. It is an act of considerable sensationalism to suggest that such a system will confuse itself with humans and their purposes and then attempt to compete with humans.” We as humans will not allow artificial intelligence to evolve up to a point, where we have lost control with what we have created. Evolving artificial intelligence comprises of many small steps towards a goal. We won’t be able to create robots that will take over the world overnight. The book titled “Robot” says that we would have to deliberately build robots without any fail safes or we build robots to deliberately outsmart us. It also presents the following case “We will know when we are close to building machines over which we will have no control, as before that we will have machines over which we have little control, and before that we will have machines over which we occasionally lose control. It will take many tens of thousands of people working together to get from, where we are today with our robots to one that we could not control” The future of artificial intelligence as viewed by most of the population is that robots will be able to help us to mundane or dangerous tasks. This interaction between us and them will be strong, but we will always have the upper hand.

I am interested in your comments about this article, so please feel free to discuss.

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